Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tupac was right about California...

First and foremost, I'm writing this entry from the comfort of my very own bed. The very same bed I'll be asleep in within the next 20 minutes. Today has been exhausting, but I feel like I can valiantly exclaim that I'm a seasoned traveller at 20 year old. Let's talk about my airport adventure. I left LAX Int'l Airport this morning at 6am. We had to be there an hour early (5am) and the house I was staying at was an hour away (we left Canyon Country at 4am...). Also, I rode from LAX to Phoenix. Switched planes. Went from Phoenix to Albuquerque, from Albuquerque to Amarillo, and from Amarillo to Love Field. Let's be honest with each other here... that's a smidge ridiculous. What a blessing that Devin's dad works for Southwest though, it makes visiting your boyfriend in California a lot (100% in fact) cheaper. ;)

So, my four days in California were amazing. Canyon Country should be called Beautiful Country... see what I did there? It's breathtaking and only 30 minutes from Hollywood.

I've got a lot to say about my trip... but my eyes are buuurning. They've been open too long.

Friday, March 2, 2007

My Shower Curtain is a Map of the World.

Over the last few months, it has become obvious that the shower curtain I once relied on for information regarding the world is largely inaccurate. Don't get me wrong, it's a precious shower curtain and the idea behind it is something grand ("Let's be educated and clean, yeah!")! But let's get one thing straight: it's like spell checking an English paper... If you're going to mass produce a shower curtain with a map of the world on it and have it available for purchase at a huge chain like Target... make sure it's flawless. I mean, at least make sure you include all the continents (ahem ahem Antarctica).

No really, there is NO Antarctica on my map of the world.

What else is wrong, you ask?

- Chad has no capitol.
- Lake Superior is spelled "Supereor".
- The East Sandwich Island is so small it can't physically be drawn to scale on a map of the world. The label for the island is there, but the actual island isn't.
- Alaska is about 4 times bigger than Texas, and over half the size of the United States.

That's all I can think of right now... but rest assured that every shower is a quest to find more errors. I'll get back to you.

*One thing I've learned that actually is true: there's an Unalaska, Alaska. :)

Givin' this the good ol' college try!

I'm Kelly, happy to be here.

I haven't attempted blogging since my stint with Xanga a few years back. Remember when the things I had written about my crappy job were found by my co-workers? Remember when they created a Xanga account just to leave me a mean comments? Goodness. Subsequently, I shut that bad boy down and this is where I pick up with you today, Blogger. com!

No lies, I'm pretty pumped.

So lately, the number one thing on my mind has been the relationship between science and religion. I know, I know, let's start off on a touchy subject. I'm in an Archaeology class here at UNT
simply trying to fill my natural sciences credit, and I've become overwhelmed by all this talk of evolution. I welcome things that challenge the way I think because either I learn from them and change my opinion or I do research that strengthens my original position. With this though, it's different. I honestly don't remember studying evolution in school prior to this semester, and if I did (a) it was before I called myself a devout follower of Jesus Christ or (b) it was during 7th grade biology when I concentrated more on Mr. Sadlo - he was cute, think: Ross Geller from FRIENDS - than the subject matter being taught.

Was that awkward?

Continuing on...

What I'm wondering is if there is any way for me to say, "I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe He's the son of God and that he died for my sins, but I at the same time I can't disprove the scientific theories that exist." I'm wondering how I can get across the point that I feel like God is even bigger than the Bible, all the scientific theories, and every unanswerable question that exists. Everything is under the umbrella that is God, how things happened from there... might not be my place to decide. Does that even make sense?

Other than that, DFW Scene has given me the opportunity to do something I love ! Write and about MUSIC, bands, venues, shows, etc. Nothing could be more up my alley and I'm ecstatic.

Until Next Time,

PS - Did anyone else read about the 990lb squid found in New Zealand? His arms were 30 feet long!