Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Blog #1 (JOUR4250)

I get most of my news information from the DFW Quick, which I pick up every day before class. The articles in it are pretty brief, but I get the gist of what's happening in this area and around the world. I also watch the local news on t.v. once or twice a week.

I'd say I seek out news, by reading it or watching it, about 3 hours per week.

I'd say in the NEWS media (and not entertainment media) I see a lot of emphasis on race. News stories somehow always boil down or relate to race in some way. I'm not saying that's good or bad. Race certainly deserves to be talked about, especially when it is the motivating factor behind someone's actions (whether those actions are positive or negative). There really isn't very much emphasis put on sexuality in news media outlets, there aren't any news segments about "healthy sexual relationships" or "expressing your sexuality"... there are general health segments that might briefly cover something semi-sexual, articles about safe sex (and safe sex statistics for high schoolers or college students, etc), and there are stories and/or articles about bad sexual stuff like rape. Gender is talked about kind of simultaneously with sexuality; when one is talked about, the other normally is too and vice versa. And honestly, I don't think the news media puts any emphasis on disabilities. Sometimes they'll do a special segment on someone with a disability who has triumphed in some way, but I don't remember the last time I've seen something like that.

Kelly Knickerbocker

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